The Friesian Horse Society
Arabo-Friesian Performance Requirements
BreedTechnical Regulations European Arabo-Friesians Studbook (EAFS) PERFORMANCES – DEMAND in the sport.
Translations below provided from EAFS website
(For the licensed stallions and horses to obtain the Definitive Sport Certificate)
Since we expect our stallions to perform on the level of warmblooded- and other performance breeds, we think it’s better to link these performances to sport achievements on real official competitions (NHS) between all other breeds. These are measurable objective results, hardly influenced by taste difference or subjective criticism of a jury.
Besides it is of the up most importance that Arabo-Friesians really achieve sportresults in practice and give satisfaction to the real user.
The requirements regarding the performance level of the young licensed Arabo-Friesian stallions up to the point, that they can become approved definitively are as follows:
On November 1 of the year, that the young stallion becomes 4 years old:
- Saddle dressage class L2 with a minimum of 1 official point.
- Breeding approved Arabo-Friesian stallions to pure Friesian mares.
On November 1 of the year, that the young stallion becomes 5 years old:
- Saddle dressage class M1 with a minimum of 1 official point.
- Endurance Class I
- Combined driving: 3 participations at a national competition, completing a full marathon without a veterinary problem and finishing reasonably fit.
Higher ages (from age 6 and so on, increasingly higher performances are obligatory) to:
Saddle dressage:
- At age 6 at least class Z1 with 1 WP,
- At age 8 at least class ZZ with 1 WP,
- at age 10 at least Prix St George.
Class III
Combined driving: 3 participations at a heavy driving competition, to be judged by the board, completing the marathon without a veterinary problem and finishing reasonably fit.
Sport performances at official competitions in foreign countries must be on an equivalent level, to be determined by the board.
Young stallions, that do not meet the performance limits for their age, automatically fall back to the lower limit that applies to their category (click system).
If there are no performances or clearly insufficient performances, the board will decide to maybe put the stallion on hold and exclude him from further breeding for a while…..
After that, his offspring may prove the ability to perform. If at least 3 descendants of the stallion meet the performance limits mentioned in the above plan within 5 years waiting period, the stallion can still get approved and continue breeding.
To obtain the Definitive Sport Certificate, an Arabo-Friesian horse at older age must at least meet the sport performances, that are requires at the age of 6 years.
The mares that reach this high level of performance are being regarded as the top in our breed programme and qualify better as a potential mother for sun as licensed stallion.
The owner of the stallion commits to all our selection criteria as one of the conditions, with which he agrees for participation in our breeding programme. This agreement is transmissible with sale to a new owner.
The sport requirements will be adjusted to the sport level in USA and Canada soon.